LaserWorks - Talk to Target

LaserWorks latest Technology - Talk to Target

1. Reviews Of Golf Rangefinders
We heard a lot about the advantages of golf rangefinder. How about the disadvantages. Does this device have flaws? 
a. Shaky Hands ? 
b.Hard to lock onto the Flag ? 
c.Targets over 400 Yards ? 

2. Different Solutions from Different Suppliers
Various Circuits leads to Various ways to activate a rangefinder: 
a. Press the Power button to get the Yardage ( Other suppliers ) 
PROS: Fast measurement
CONS: Trembled when pressing the button & Inaccurate Yardage

b. Press the Power button, then release to get the Yardage (LaserWorks Gen 2)
PROS: 1. Stable measurment 2. Accurate yardage
CONS: Slow measurement

c. Press and Hold the Power Button to get the Yardage (LaserWorks - Talk to Target) 
The Pinseeker option targets the flag only, and not the background. While pressing the Power button, you can move the rangefinder slowly from object to object and intertionally force the laser to hit multiple objects to ensure that you are only displaying the closest of the objects recongnized by the laser.
When we aim to the flag, it's not easy to get a yardage back from the backgrounds trees. The latest technology needs to hold the button (A single press won't gives the yardage back ).  When you tried to get a precision yardage, we need to focus on to the eyepiece, Hold the button, you'll get a Fast & Accurate Yardage. That's the way to interacte with your rangefinder !
The longer hold the button, the more precision yardage !

3. Features of Talk to Target
Fast & Accurate
Long Distance > 1,000 Y
Small Laser Beam
High Performance

The accuracy of laser rangefinders depends on the amount of beam reflected on the target. You can improve its accuracy by aiming at a more reflective surface.
LaserWorks 'Talk to Target' technology which solves the relfection of the targets, no matter which targets you are aiming, you'll always get your fast & accurate yardage!